Stop Shotgun Marketing: The Buck Stops Here
I spent the 2012 holidays with my family in Texas and, like a good portion of Texas girls, I have uncles who hunt. I remember a Christmas conversation, sitting at the table surrounded by fresh venison. My uncles were talking about hunting strategy. “I figure a shotgun will work just about every time if you aim it right,” said my old-school hunter uncle. “Yes,” said my younger uncle, “but then you have to worry about buck shot and sometimes the shot tears up the meat. Plus, I just don’t think it’s as humane as using a laser sight.”
The net of the conversation was the same. They were both buck hunting, but what I took away from it was much different. As a professional marketer, I do occasionally think of myself as a hunter. Only, instead of deer, I’m hunting prospects to target and instead of using a shotgun or pistol, I’m using marketing communications tools. The interesting thing is, I defend my use of laser target marketing like my youngest uncle defends his use of a pistol with a laser sight.
It’s a new year and with that comes new inspirations, new ideas, new programs, new campaigns, new marketing strategies and ways to get business. It’s also the time of year when marketers set their goals and start blasting. New Web site, blam! New social media, blam, blam! Apps, logos, brochures, blam, blam, blam, they need it and want it all. The crazy thing is, if you just blast without targeting your message, you are going to end up with buckshot all over your target. Your marketing efforts might convert, but they won’t convert as well. You might be squeezing sales out of your prospects, but it’s like processing a buck filled with buckshot. It’s hard. The job of marketing, targeted marketing, is to make your sales process easier!
Here are a few ways you can laser target your marketing in 2013:
1) Identify your prospect: Who are they? What is their CORE need? Why do they do business with you?
2) Identify yourself: What do you offer and how is it UNIQUE from what your competition offers? How can you be the only one who can meet your prospects needs?
3) Identity your core: If you only had time to say ONE THING to your prospect before they ran away like a scared buck in the woods, what would it be? What would make them stay to hear more? Now expand from that. What could you say in 30 seconds? What’s your elevator pitch?
Once you know these things, you can hunt in bigger woods and know EXACTLY what kind of buck you want to attract. Then you point your message (your pistol with laser sights) shoot and capture those sales. Who knew so much could be learned from a conversation about hunting?
Meet Diane Hansen
Diane Dye Hansen is the Chief Inspiration Officer of What Works Coaching, a coaching firm that has helped people worldwide with their businesses, careers, mindsets, and profit margins. She brings to her clients more than 17 years of experience with a wide array of clients, ranging from top corporations, motivated entrepreneurs and individuals hungry for a fresh start. Her experience spans a diverse blend of industries, including: health care, publishing, media, entertainment, food and beverage, fashion, cosmetics, internet marketing, civic leadership and government. She serves on a number of boards in Carson City, Nevada and stays involved in community revitalization. Never one to abandon her creative side, you’ll also find her on acting on stage in both Carson City in Reno. She encourages her clients to set goals to live their whole life. Contact her!