Handy Flow Chart Helps Select Perfect Toy For The Little Girl Or Boy In Your Life

Larissa Waters has launched a campaign called No Gender December meant to bring awareness about the consequences of gender stereotypes in toys in the lead-up to Christmas, (but really this just makes good sense no matter what time of the year it is). She says “Children shouldn't have to conform to gender stereotypes. Boys might be interested in toys that are marketed as for girls and vice versa. This isn't about some toys being off limits. It’s about children being free to play with whatever toys interest them without fear of being judged or bullied,” Judith Elaine Blakemore is professor of psychology and associate dean of Arts and Sciences for Faculty Development at Indiana University−Purdue University in Fort Wayne, Indiana through her research she has the following advice to offer to parents, teachers and anyone who works with children "If you want to develop children's physical, cognitive, academic, musical, and artistic skills, toys that are not strongly gender-typed are more likely to do this." Even a 5 year old has voiced her frustration on gender specific toy marketing you can check out  Riley's Pink Aisle Rant to hear her concerns.

Below you will find a handy guide on how to pick the perfect gift for the child in your life.


Why does gender-stereotyped toy marketing matter?

  • Kids should decide for themselves what they think is fun. Why put these limits on play?
  • Play matters. Children need a wide range of play to develop different skills.
  • Marketing matters. Directing consumers in this way is restricting children’s play.
  • The real world  has moved on. Gender stereotypes are tired and out of date.

Have you spotted the gender in your local toy aisles? Share your experiences below. 

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