How to Prevent Rape: A Handy Instruction Guide
In case you were not clear on how to prevent rape here is a handy instruction guide. Feel free to print it out, clip it out and tuck it in your pocket. Also, a fantastic party favor to give away when your guests leave.
Have you ever heard someone express that rape is ok in certain circumstances? What circumstances do you think rape is ok? Have you or someone you know been raped because someone violated one of these 5 instructions listed?
Examples of Rape Culture
Here's a bullet-point list of examples of rape culture.
Blaming the victim ("She asked for it!")
Trivializing sexual assault ("Boys will be boys!")
Sexually explicit jokes
Tolerance of sexual harassment
Inflating false rape report statistics
Publicly scrutinizing a victim's dress, mental state, motives, and history
Gratuitous gendered violence in movies and television
Defining "manhood" as dominant and sexually aggressive
Defining "womanhood" as submissive and sexually passive
Pressure on men to "score"
Pressure on women to not appear "cold"
Assuming only promiscuous women get raped
Assuming that men don't get raped or that only "weak" men get raped
Refusing to take rape accusations seriously
- Teaching women to avoid getting raped instead of teaching men not to rape
This list was taken from Zaron Burnett's piece titled: A Gentleman's Guide to Rape Culture it is a must read article written from the male perspective.